April 02, 2004 - 21:31 - Life As A House
Have you ever seen Life as a House? If not, I highly recommend it. I have that movie and I watched it tonight. I am in a time of change right now and that is what that movie is all about.


It's hard to change what you are. I know I want to change who I am. I am constantly striving to be a better person. Does bring doughnuts to work solely for the pleasure of others make me a better person? I don't think, but it makes me smile to know that others are enjoying those doughnuts.

I wish change came easier. I keep looking around at my hobit-hole and thinking that it could be so much better than this if I could only change who I was. My habits that are so ingrained by the years. I don't want to be a clutterbug anymore, I want a clean and tidy place...Yet, why cannot I not seem to make the change necessary to have what I want? Money - same deal. I want more, but I always spend too much.

I'm on a diet now too. People are shocked when I tell them how much I have to lose. They don't think I could possibly lose that much. I don't look as fat as I am, but I feel it. In every step I take, in every pair of pants I put on...I'm sticking to my diet. I just hope it helps. I need to change. I don't like where I am right now because I know it could be so much better if I just took the time to make it better. I just need to find the push that I need.

I'll leave you all with a quote:
You know the great thing though, is that change can be so constant. And you don't even feel a difference until there is one. It can be so slow that you don't know that your life is better or worse until it is. Or it can just blow you away. Make you something different in an instant.

--Life As A House

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