July 24, 2003 - 22:22 - Pregnant
Some friends of mine are rather concerned that I may be pregnant since, although I've been sleeping, I've been increasingly tired lately. One of them didn't even know she was pregnant till she was in her 7th month....which is where I would be if I was.

I've read around and the only symptoms/signs of pregnancy I have is increased urination and tiredness (I bet you did SO not want to know that first part). She claims to have had no symptoms at all. Well increased appetite and weight gain, but not so much that she didn't fit into her normal clothes.

I'm still highly doubtful that I'm pregnant and I've said as much. I worried about it for a bit, but then I figured, why worry? It won't do any good. If I am, I am and if I'm not, I'm not. Nothing will change that fact and there isn't anything I can do about it either way.

Guess we'll know for sure in about two months. One thing is for sure though. Neither my boyfriend nor I can afford this, but I know I'll manage. As I've always said to him. I wouldn't expect his support if such ever happened.

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