July 03, 2003 - 14:31 - Better
E-mail and IM are sucky media's for communication. Yeah they're comvient, cheap, easy...but you can't really get the meaning behind the words. You subject the words to your own feelings rather than picking the meaning up from the tone of voice and body language of the person with whom you are trying to communicate.

I only mention this cause my boyfriend told me that he was in fact not mad at me....but he was agravated. So, in other words, he was mad at my absence and not directly at me. Of course since I was the cause of the absence then I don't know where that agravation puts me.

In any case things are as okie as they can be. I guess I am feeling particulary buoyed up by the fact that people are actually reading the crap that I am writing here. *G* Thanks people. I'll try to exclude you all when I go into my "I hate people" rant!

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