June 18, 2003 - 12:17 - Flat-Lined
Fuck. You know I wrote an entry and then I re-read it and just deleted the whole bloody thing. It was a nice little piece of meaningless fluff. The sort of non-commital stuff I would normally write.

I don't want this to be a diary of actions. This isn't my life we're talking about it's my mind. This supposed to be a journey of my mind and I need to remember that. Who cares if I had a dream but I can't remember it? Sheesh.

It's not that I have anything to talk about right now. Well I'm hungry, but once again, who cares? I'm at a non-thinking moment I guess. I have a lot of those moments. I just stop thinking. I just sort of act like a puppet. Guess that's my normal. I'm flat-lined again.

Oh, perhaps I should explain that term. By flat-lined I mean I am at a spot where my emotions and thoughts are pretty much nil. Guess I had too many thoughts the last couple of days. Maybe work will de-flatline me. Some of the people I have to talk to definately get my temper up.
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