May 06, 2004 - 22:18 - I hate my generation
Tonight was upsetting, to say the least.

You see, I was on my way to catch the bus. I did as I usually do on my Thursday nights, I chose to walk to the bus loop instead of taking the bus to the loop and transfering.

So, here I am, merrily walking along and listening to my music. I get about four blocks from my place and I notice something wrong. I see a lady lying in front of her the bottom of a short flight of stairs.

I run over to her hoping that she is relatively alright. The first thing I do is check for any concious response. I shout to her "Ma'am! Ma'am! Can you hear me? Ma'am!!". No response.

The door to her house is open and I shortly contemplate running in to use her phone, but going into a strangers house is a very uncomfortable thought. So I do the next best thing. I run next door. I bang heavily on the door. No response. I look over to the next house and I see two cars in the driveway. I run over and ring the doorbell at that house. The answer was nearly immediate. The woman who answered was on the phone to a friend and hung up immediately to dial 911 for me.

The emergency crews arrived quickly, thankfully.

The thing that disturbs me most is that she hadn't *just* fallen. Someone else *should* have seen her before I did. Even on the way back after finding someone to call 911 for me I saw two older teens go walking by. The woman who had fallen was in clear view, but they didn't look at her, they didn't stop. They just kept walking.

So this brings me to my biggest pet peeve. What the HELL is wrong with my FUCKING generation?? Why is it that 90% of the people I meet that are anywhere withing 5 years of my age so self-absorbed, so uncaring and immature? Why do I have to hate my generation?

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