June 16, 2003 - 00:22 - Dare to Begin
Hello. Welcome. I need to create an intro, or so I believe. I feel a need to explain why this diary is here. How it came to be. Then I'll follow with a few notes.

You see my boyfriend and I were talking one night. He was/is afraid that I am putting a fence between us; a wall. We came to the conclusion that he is right.

He wants to know my thoughts, my feelings. Things that I often say I don't normally have. I think he should be happy that I said as much to him. I've never really said that to anyone else.

The whole basis of this diary came from this late night talk. I suppose partially it is because he needs to know me more deeply. I understand that. He also finds writing as a great outlet for his own emotions and thoughts.

I once toyed with writing as an outlet, but I eventually I prefered it as a way of escape. I guess I must recapture the release of writing. So, in essence, I suppose that is what I am really doing. Letting him know me as well as letting me know me.

Now for the notes. I will NOT have a guestbook for people to sign. I'm not sorry. I don't want one. I do/will have the notes feature activated. If you stumble on this before I get my gold membership, then the style will be changing. Be patient.

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