May 21, 2004 - 00:12 - Slow Motion Insomnia
I'm starting to fear sleep now. Or maybe I just think I fear it as an excuse to avoid it. I want to sleep, but it seems so useless.

I thought I've been sleeping well, but I could be wrong. Then again I could be sick or iron deficient. *sigh*

I wake up feeling fine. Then I'll go to work and I feel so tired again. I feel tired when I eat, when I walk. It seems I only feel okay when I am sitting or laying. Doing nothing in otherwords.

I try to design forum board themes or re-vamp a clients website and I just start to field tired again. It's like I can't do anything anymore. I push it off with caffiene, but that won't work forever.....

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I need to sleep. I need to feel rested. I need to stop being tired because I can feel myself slowing down. I can feel my mind becoming cloudier everyday. It's like insomnia in slow motion.

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