September 15, 2003 - 23:32 - Stability
It seems that I can't help myself. When I do an entry I must actually do a flurry of entries. *sigh*

Sometimes I wonder where/who I am. I mean not literally but in my head. Where am I in there? I feel so lost sometimes. Maybe I'm just tired.

I stil feel like screaming and crying and carrying on, but I'm not. I won't. Where am I? If I want to do these things, but I'm not physically then there is an *I* that I am not expressing.

Gawd now I sound like I have MPD. I'm just so tired. So damned tired. I don't want to sleep. I don't really want to. I'll have to. Maybe i should eat.

I want to collapse. *sigh* I'm confused and tired and hungry and sad and lost and many other things. I think I need more stability in my life. Much much more stability. I'm not getting it. I can't find it. I need it.

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