December 04, 2003 - 01:05 - Fates
There is a part of me that wonders if anyone at all ever reads this anymore. I update so sporadically. I really shouldn't wonder as it shouldn't matter if this is read or not.....

Ah well, back on to the subject my sleep deprived brain wished to speak about.

I got a letter from my bf today. He was talking, sort of, about fate. There are so many "coincidences" in everyone's life. Things, for good or bad, that happen at just the right time.

For an example, the office in which I work is currently hiring new staff. A few nights ago I chanced to glance at the fax machine before I left. On top of the pile of faxes was a r�sum�. On that r�sum� was a name. It was someone I knew. Someone with which I had a huge falling out with a few years ago.

A few people I know have been curious as to where and what he is doing now. Not because they want to befriend him again, but because they are simply curious. I have access to his home number, cell number, e-mail address and home address! Of course ethics prevent me from releasing that info. It was rather a strange co-incidence IMO.

At the time bf and I met we were both pretty depressed and desperate individuals. We helped carry each other through our trials of the time. Since then he has been a rock for me, and I believe (hope) I have been so for him.

Some people doubt that fate exists and believe that coincidents are just random things. Sometimes I wonder. I really really wonder.

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