August 16, 2004 - 08:34 - Hi, Hello, Good Day
This is really just a quick hi and hello entry since it's been awhile and I don't really have much time right now.

I moved to a new city a couplke of months ago and since then everything has been chaos...mostly good chaos, but still chaos.

I'm now working day shift, which means more hours, more money, but on top of that I have doubled the length of my commute. Instead of 45min one way, I know commute 1.5 hrs each way!! Not that I mind, but it severely cuts into my time.

At the moment my computer is offline because we have to set up the router, but none of us (me or my roomies) have the time to get everything all set up!

Other than that I really do miss typing in here, but it's not like anyone reads this anyway so I doubt anyone is missing reading my journal the way I'm missing writing in it.

In any case, I have to start work soon so I better toodle!

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